Monday, March 23, 2009


Have you ever seen a baby doll
Black in colour, hair kinky?

Where have you seen its eyes roll
Up and down real winky freaky
And the hilarious squeak when on it I fall
My neighbour’s friend doll inky

Pinkie inky that’s what we call
Her that got splattered it’s a pity

Rosy pink cheek by black ink like the wall
Small nostalgic red bricks scarred and weepy
Streaky white from the black birds on the broken top

Where have you ever seen it
A baby doll black in colour, hair kinky?

The Crowning

I shall crown your waist with a bouquet
Of fragrant blossoms
I shall plead with the kind sky
Just to drop one silver star
From its shimmering bosom
That I shall press upon your navel

I shall ask the sucked out sickle in the night sky
To lend its softest shine
To the warmth that courses through your blood
That your skin can drip milk
And be textured as the finest silk

I shall plead with the wind to be merry
And waft freshly and briskly past your dale
That I shall fill with birds
Of the sweetest song and finest plumage

I shall ask the setting sun
To turn down its fierce wick
And become a soft crimson
Above the wrought boughs of ancient trees
That you may look up to behold this vision
And O I see your angelic face turned my way

Blood Rain

Look deep into my eyes
and see those dark clouds

Incessantly pelting down
this afternoon blood rain

Glittering as the sun saintly
Shafts its way down into this fray
Of shameless looters –
Zimbabwe, land of my birth!

He makes the hole in the heart grow bigger
The stomach grow weaker